

Faux Braided Crown | A review

I saw this tutorial online and decided to try it myself, as I've never been able to make a braided crown look right. It took about fifteen minutes, to do all four braids, and work them around my head using only four bobby pins (because I seem to have lost all of them).

The tutorial was incredibly easy to follow, and actually doing it was easy as well. I'll definitely be pulling this one out again.

If you can't make the crown, at least you can look like a six-year-old in braids - and now I know I can look young enough to play a child onstage!

RATING: 10/10


Unpacking Like I'm Packing

I'm still moving back into my room at home from college; every day is a specific project, and yesterday's was clothes. In reorganizing my closet, I moved all T-shirts to a drawer in my dresser. But how would I fit all these shirts in a reasonable way?

Well, I'm sure you've all heard about that travel tip to roll your clothes to fit everything better in your suitcase? I've tried it, and didn't see that much of a difference for a handful of clothing items. But for 24 shirts? Absolutely.


The Thing About Wearing Glasses | A review

I wear glasses. You may have taken note of that by the picture in the sidebar. I do not wear contacts; I don't exactly want to touch my freaking eyeball to put them in, and I have long nails - what if I slip? Anyway, I'm fine wearing glasses. I like them, and I'm not bothered by walking around in a blur when I can't wear them for a performance (Note: I am an actor; while everything is incredibly blurry and I can't exactly see the other actors' facial expressions unless I'm standing right next to them, I can see well enough to walk around the stage).

The Pros:

  • They're cute
  • I can see
  • No contacts
  • You can see my eye make-up just fine
  • I've been wearing glasses too long to not look weird without them
The Cons:

  • Sometimes when I lie down, they squish up to my face
  • They get all gross when my dog tries to kiss me
  • God help me if I take a nap without taking my glasses off
Obviously it'll vary person-to-person, but I'll be keeping my glasses, thank you very much.

RATING: 9/10


The Familial Vibes of the Major Politicians of the 2016 Presidential Race

John Kasich - the dad who's really into golf; will put your report card on the fridge

Ted Cruz -  the weird neighbor that shows up unannounced and wants to talk about God and his vegetable garden

Donald Trump - the cousin who has ruined many a family dinner with his uncomfortable comments; probably dealt with alcoholism and definitely ruined at least three Christmas mornings; gives everyone his business card, even when they don't ask about his business


Bernie Sanders - the grandpa who invites you on his annual fishing trip; knows you don't really want to go, but wants you to know he's thinking of you; sends greeting cards on every holiday (including Arbor Day, Flag Day, Canadian holidays, etc.)

Hillary Clinton - the aunt you see once or twice a year; she's not your favorite but she gave you $20 one time for no reason